Rules of US Stock Trading

1. Transaction code The transaction code is the English abbreviation of the listed company, for example: the stock transaction code of Microsoft (microsoft) is msft.

2. Trading unit There is no limit to the trading unit, and the unit is 1 share.

3. There is no limit to the price range. The original stock price price change unit is 116 US dollars, but now it is mostly changed to a decimal point system (minimum 1 cent).

4. Trading time

Everyone knows the time difference between China and the United States, so there is also a time difference in stock trading. The regular trading hours of U.S. stocks are 09:30-16:00 Eastern Time, which is called intraday trading, and there is no lunch break. It should be noted here that U.S. stock trading is divided into winter time and summer time, and there are trading hours before and after the market.

Eastern Time:

04:00-9:30 before the market; 09:30-16:00 during the market; 16:00-20:00 after the market.

Corresponding to Beijing time:

Daylight saving time: 16:00-21:30 before the market; 21:30-04:00 during the market; 04:00-08:00 after the market.

Winter time: 17:00-22:30 before the market; 22:30-05:00 during the market; 05:00-09:00 after the market.

(PS: Summer time is from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, and winter time is from the first Sunday in November to the second Sunday in March).

Five, price limit

The U.S. stock market developed early and is relatively mature, so there is no price limit. So doing US stocks is sometimes very exciting. When some major events happen to some companies, their stock prices may skyrocket or plummet. Therefore, everyone must have a strong psychological quality when playing US stocks, and at the same time need to control risks.

T+0 transaction

The U.S. stock market can conduct T+0 trading (day trade), that is, stocks bought on the same day can be sold on the same day. There is no limit to the number of transactions and the price increase or decrease.